Friday, October 23, 2009

I spend too much time in Real life!

Even though I still continue to develop the Wuxia Pian game, I did not have any time the last 6 months to even sit still and write a few lines.

New work, baby boy growing up, wife that I want to give attention to etc, etc, all prevented me from updating the blog...

Not That I have been sitting still designing though! The wuxia pian card game is further than ever, and even has its own awesome website now:

check it out, it has all the element and Warrior cards on it, and even a deckbuilder to create ready to print .pdf files.

What is missing is the "meat" of the game, the Combat cards. And this is where I got stuck. Not for designing them, but getting ART for it. It is impossible to take screenshots of martial arts moves from a movie without it coming out all blurry and fuzzy.. I am now at a point where I will probably just make 5 different layouts, and fill in text + numbers on that, without each card having unique art.

This inspired me to a new project, one where ART is everywhere, and easy to get.


One thing that always nagged me about card game, is the need for different cards for different actions. You´ll have your character to do X, your event card to do Y and another card type to do Z, next to equipment, mana producers, artifacts, locations etc..etc..

I somehow always end up with cards in my hand that I do not need at that moment. Like equipment when I have no characters in play, and characters when I need a location, etc..etc..

I got the idea that combining a lot of them into one card would not only provides more options for the players, it would also "save" on the amount of ART I would need for cards.

I thought: How would a game look like if there is just one card type, but each card can be played in 3 different ways?

that is where the Clone Wars card game was born.

there is a new cartoon tv series about it, under supervision of mr. Lucas himself, and it will span at least 100 episodes. They just started season 2 (season one had 22 episodes), and it has all I need to create a great game from. The game (for the moment) only has character cards, and as you can see below, there are 3 dots on the left side of the card. these are the three ways of playing the card:
1. As a character in play
2. To use it's action text (card gets discarded afterwards)
3. To generate Force (force are facedown cards from your deck, and are used to a variety of things, but mostly to draw cards from at the end of each turn.)
Next week I will post some basic rules so you can get an idea how it it played.