You can quite easily make some simple calculations in Excel for each value (life, Chi, Sustain and speed) and let the computer spit out the zillion possibilities possible.
Finding a way to differentiate between two types of warriors (from a game type of view, not numbers), it is a whole different ballgame. For example, Noble warriors might be slow and Shaolin masters might be fast. How to let that reflect in the game?
What about the other three types? How to make sure they all have their own “feel” to the game?
Here’s how I like to do it for the warrior cards:
Wuxia Pian will have (initial) 5 different types of warriors:
Shaolin masters
Sword masters
Now I could just assign some random numbers (life, Chi, Sustain and speed) to each type, but that won’t bring out there playing style. So it needs something more.
How do I see each type having their effect on the game? For that, I will fill in some keywords for each one, like this:
1. Monks. They are not so fast, but have great defense and can take a lot of wounds. Uses basic weapons
2. Shaolin masters. Fast fists of fury. Uses no to very little weapons. Go fast through their cards and decks, but damage output lacks.
3. Sword masters. Hard hitters, but need a lot of Chi. Each card says: ouch. But difficult to sustain.
4. Nobles. Slow but sneaky. Can play those over the top cards. High on life, but slow speed.
5. Assassins. Normal speed, a lot of surprises. No defense and piercing attacks. Lots of flipping.
If you didn’t get any of that, don’t worry. It is just a simple placeholder for each warrior type. I just want to write down the “feel” I want each type to have in the game. A small brainstorm about what each type is about. I bet you can doe the same form the colors of Magic for example. Or the affiliations from Startrek, etc..
The actual filling in of the abilities comes next:
I typed up a list of possible (simple) game effects a warrior could have in the game, both negative and positive. (The real juicy game effects come later.)
For example; one warrior type might be able to sustain more combat cards, while another type is able to take that away from a warrior. One warrior type might be able to keep Liú for a long time, while another type easily makes you lose it.
This way, I automatically create a form of rock/paper/scissor balance in the game, AND I am able to give each type their own “feel” in the game.
This does not mean that a certain type of warrior cannot be a fast playing one for example, or take a lot of wounds. It is just that other types of warriors are more “suited” to play that way. Each type will be able to increase their sustain number for example, but only one type is able to do it more easy and bigger than others.
So, a list of 20 (dividable by 5 to make it a lot easier) will do for now. (+) will mean able to increase/create, while (-) means able to take away/decrease.
+ Sustain (Increasing sustain)
– Sustain (Decreasing sustain)
+ Life (Adding life)
– Life (Removing life)
+ Liú (Keeping Liú)
– Liú (Losing Liú)
+ Speed (Add speed)
– Speed (Remove speed)
+ Chi (Add Chi)
– Chi (Remove Chi)
+ Shield (add Prevent wounds)
– Shield (remove preventions)
+ Damage (Add increased damage)
– Damage (Remove increase damage )
+ Convert (adding convert to cards)
– Convert (removing convert from cards)
+ Flip (Flip face down)
– Flip (flip face up)
+ Repose (Increasing repose bonus)
– Repose (removing repose bonus)
Now I have a list of 20 types of abilities I can divide under the 5 different warrior types, while keeping in mind the playing styles I had in mind for each one. Each style will get 2 “+” and 2”-“, making the perfect rock/paper/scissor match up.
I do have to be careful not to give a certain style too much of a bonus against another style. 1 or 2 for each is more than enough (to prevent auto losses and such..bleh).
So, not like this:
Monk+ Shield (add Prevent wounds)
– Shield (remove preventions)
Two of the same in one style. Not very balanced. Also not like this:
Monk+ Shield (add Prevent wounds)– Damage (Remove increase damage )
– Shield (remove preventions)
+ Damage (Add increased damage)
Not only pitting 2 abilities against each other in two styles, but as well Damage and Shield in one type of warrior.
Check the Noble for example, he is able to prevent any prevention you might have, and on top of that add some increased damage.. not very balanced.
More ok would be:
Monk+ Shield (add Prevent wounds)– Life (Removing life)
- Shield (remove wound preventions)
+ Repose (Increasing repose bonus)
Sword Master+ Life (Adding life)– Repose (removing repose bonus)
This way, all three have something against each other, but only one ability, not two.
The Sword master for example is able to take away the Repose bonus from the Noble, but is defenseless against the Noble’s ability to remove wound preventions. There is where the Monk comes into play! Get it?
To prevent any of this happening, I divided the list into this first:
For example: the Monk can have:
Block 1: + Sustain (Increasing sustain)
Block 2: - Chi (Remove Chi)
Block 3: + Life (Adding life bonus)
Block 4: – Speed (Remove speed)
For the Shaolin Master, I must make sure NOT to pick more than 2 abilities in opposite of the Monk, and make sure to pick at least ONE opposite of the Monk. So the Shaolin Master would have:
Block 1: + Convert (adding convert to cards)
Block 2: – Sustain (Decreasing sustain) (ability in opposite of the Monk)
Block 3: + Liú (Keeping Liú)
Block 4: – Repose (removing repose bonus)
Let’s have a deeper look at the Shaolin master. I want him to be able to play a lot of cards, but without added damage.
Due to increased convert, he is able to take more cards into hand -> more cards to play.
He is able to take away sustain from an opponent, meaning he will have more cards in play.
He is able to keep Liú more easy than others, thus playing more cards.And last but not least, he can take away Repose bonuses from opponents. No more resting for you!
A pretty good way to portrait him in the game I would say. Hopefully it will hold up with the other types as well:
Sword Master:
Block 1: + Damage (Add increased damage)
Block 2: – Convert (removing convert from cards)
Block 3: + Speed (Add speed)
Block 4: – Flip (flip face up)
Block 1: + Chi (Add Chi)
Block 2: – Shield (remove preventions)
Block 3: + Flip (Flip face down)
Block 4: – Liú (Losing Liú)
Block 1: + Shield (add Prevent wounds)
Block 2: - Damage (Remove increase damage )
Block 3: + Repose (Increasing repose bonus)
Block 4: – Life (Removing life bonus)
Cookies for the one that can spot the problem in one of these.
Indeed, the noble has 2 abilities that should probably not be there. Removing increased damage AND preventing wounds makes a very dangerous combination, but not too broken to change it at this moment. I think it adds a nice flavor to the Noble.
When this is pretty much decided, it is time to get to the heart of each warrior type, the specials..
Specials in card games come in all shape and forms, and in Wuxia Pian it is no different, take a look at these examples:
Dealing Poison
Looking at cards
Direct wounds
Switch Cards
Lots of Responses
Taking cards back into hands
Prevent healing
Etc. etc.
I bet you can point them to a certain warrior type already. I’ll let you know when I am finished puzzling with this. Fun fun fun!
After I have given each warrior type a certain ability and one or 2 specials (depending on the strength of their abilities), it on to filling in the numbers and make 100+ cards to test.
For example, the finished Shaolin master might look like this:
+ Convert (adding convert to cards)
– Sustain (Decreasing sustain) (ability in opposite of the Monk)
+ Liú (Keeping Liú)
– Repose (removing repose bonus)
Lots Of responses
Looking at cards.
This will provide me with a great playing field in which I can create cards for the Shaolin master.
I all goes well this weekend with play testing, and nothing serious comes up. I might have 2 or 3 demo decks available end of next week (just text + numbers, no art) so all of you who wants can test the game as it is. (And provide some feedback of course!)
Nice weekend all…
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